TundraGrass dominates the wide valleys, serving as food for reindeer herds. |
SundownIn the evening the sun goes down very slowly; an artic sundown provides plenty of time for taking photographs. |
LakeSome ice is still floating on mountain lakes in August. The ice floe looks just like an aircraft carrier. |
Snow driftsThe largest snow drifts claim to be the smallest glaciers. The river's gate is big enough to let a truck pass through. |
HerdsmanThis nomad is travelling together with his family and a herd of one thousand reindeers. |
FamilyIn summer they live a nomadic live feeding their herds in the grassy Polar Ural valleys. In winter they move to a more southern location in order to have enough firewood against the cold. |
Big Chucha LakeThe Big Chucha Lake is the biggest mountain lake in the area. The sky promises bad weather and shortly after this picture had been taken a storm started to blow. |
SunshineThe weather conditions are hard in the Polar Ural, but rain also needs a rest from time to time. Sunshine in front of a dark cloudy sky makes a strong contrast. |